
Giuseppe Amato

Certified Sommelier and Certified Wine Taster from the Italian Association of Sommelier.

Giuseppe has always been attracted by the world of gastronomy and attended many cooking classes as a hobby. Motivated by his curiosity to learn how to pair food with wine, a few years ago he started taking sommelier courses. He entered the world of wine almost as a teetotaler, but then it happened; he fell in love with the entire world of wine, starting to appreciate its history, quality, and study more and more. Soon he felt the need to go beyond the wine tasting experience and understand the soul of the wine; in brief, to make it. Since he doesn’t originate from a family of winemakers, he decided to buy a vineyard, and so, it happened that the first vineyard was bought on a website specializing in used things! Yes, you read that correctly. It was half a hectare of abandoned and shabby Nebbiolo. That's how Valdisole was born back in 2015.

Giuseppe Amato

Founder, Winemaker, Visionnaire
Certified Sommelier and Certified Wine Taster from the Italian Association of Sommelier.

Giuseppe has always been attracted by the world of gastronomy and attended many cooking classes as a hobby. Motivated by his curiosity to learn how to pair food with wine, a few years ago he started taking sommelier courses. He entered the world of wine almost as a teetotaler, but then it happened; he fell in love with the entire world of wine, starting to appreciate its history, quality, and study more and more. Soon he felt the need to go beyond the wine tasting experience and understand the soul of the wine; in brief, to make it. Since he doesn’t originate from a family of winemakers, he decided to buy a vineyard, and so, it happened that the first vineyard was bought on a website specializing in used things! Yes, you read that correctly. It was half a hectare of abandoned and shabby Nebbiolo. That's how Valdisole was born back in 2015.

Giuseppe Amato

Founder, Winemaker, Visionnaire

Certified Sommelier and Certified Wine Taster from the Italian Association of Sommelier.

Giuseppe has always been attracted by the world of gastronomy and attended many cooking classes as a hobby. Motivated by his curiosity to learn how to pair food with wine, a few years ago he started taking sommelier courses. He entered the world of wine almost as a teetotaler, but then it happened; he fell in love with the entire world of wine, starting to appreciate its history, quality, and study more and more. Soon he felt the need to go beyond the wine tasting experience and understand the soul of the wine; in brief, to make it. Since he doesn’t originate from a family of winemakers, he decided to buy a vineyard, and so, it happened that the first vineyard was bought on a website specializing in used things! Yes, you read that correctly. It was half a hectare of abandoned and shabby Nebbiolo. That's how Valdisole was born back in 2015.

Giuseppe Amato

Founder, Winemaker, Visionnaire
Certified Sommelier and Certified Wine Taster from the Italian Association of Sommelier.

Giuseppe has always been attracted by the world of gastronomy and attended many cooking classes as a hobby. Motivated by his curiosity to learn how to pair food with wine, a few years ago he started taking sommelier courses. He entered the world of wine almost as a teetotaler, but then it happened; he fell in love with the entire world of wine, starting to appreciate its history, quality, and study more and more. Soon he felt the need to go beyond the wine tasting experience and understand the soul of the wine; in brief, to make it. Since he doesn’t originate from a family of winemakers, he decided to buy a vineyard, and so, it happened that the first vineyard was bought on a website specializing in used things! Yes, you read that correctly. It was half a hectare of abandoned and shabby Nebbiolo. That's how Valdisole was born back in 2015.

Kyriaki Kalimeri

Certified Sommelier from the Italian Association of Sommelier.

Kyriaki is an electronic and computer engineer who entered the wine world simply out of curiosity. She took her sommelier diploma and met Giuseppe when Valdisole was a dream rather than a reality. 

Kyriaki Kalimeri

Communication, Social Media Management

Certified Sommelier from the Italian
Association of Sommelier.

Kyriaki is an electronic and computer engineer who entered the wine world simply out of curiosity. A few years ago she started taking sommelier classes and  met Giuseppe when Valdisole was more a dream rather than a reality. She is the ruthless critic of Valdisole's wines while her major role is the communication and branding of Valdisole.  Kyriaki makes only one wine, "Elektra". "Elektra" is a Malvasia Moscata made in Amphorae. Both Kyriaki and Malvasia moscata are originally from Sparta, Greece.

Kyriaki Kalimeri

Communication, Social Media Management

Certified Sommelier from the Italian
Association of Sommelier.

Kyriaki is an electronic and computer engineer who entered the wine world simply out of curiosity. A few years ago she started taking sommelier classes and  met Giuseppe when Valdisole was more a dream rather than a reality. She is the ruthless critic of Valdisole's wines while her major role is the communication and branding of Valdisole.  Kyriaki makes only one wine, "Elektra". "Elektra" is a Malvasia Moscata made in Amphorae. Both Kyriaki and Malvasia moscata are originally from Sparta, Greece.

Kyriaki Kalimeri

Communication, Social Media Management

Certified Sommelier from the Italian
Association of Sommelier.

Kyriaki is an electronic and computer engineer who entered the wine world simply out of curiosity. A few years ago she started taking sommelier classes and  met Giuseppe when Valdisole was more a dream rather than a reality. She is the ruthless critic of Valdisole's wines while her major role is the communication and branding of Valdisole.  Kyriaki makes only one wine, "Elektra". "Elektra" is a Malvasia Moscata made in Amphorae. Both Kyriaki and Malvasia moscata are originally from Sparta, Greece.


What we do would never be the same without our amazing collaborators around the world!
We are so greatful to each and every one of them for the time and effort they put in presenting our wines to all of you in the best possible way! 

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